Important Info..Why These Posts? By Michael Williams
We would like to share a few important messages over the following days
Today we are delighted to share with you a great message from:
Mr. Michael Williams - Canada
ONPASSIVE Leadership Council
here is the message
My Team...Your Team...Who wants a Team :)
I am still trying to get an answer from to why these posts are
being made. What is the objective of the creating post with the EXACT same
words...over and over again in the community. Surely there are others on the
leaderboard...yet their team members are not pumping them up. There are
members that have more than 200 Personal sign ups. Not because it is not
reflected on the leaderboard...does not mean it does not exist.
The leaderboard is not from the inception of GoFounder/Onpassive.
There are members that have over 10,000 team members...yet their team
members are not pumping them up. Again...I am just trying to understand
why these REPEATED posts.
Can someone who is posting...please help me understand.
If you don't know why you are making these post...then why post?
My understanding of that you don't even need a Team
...If you are that little guy or gal...who have never ever been successful at
referring anyone...hey guess what...You are In it to Win it...You will have
Success here with ONPASSIVE....Not because you are a part of a team
that is pumping you up or firing you up...but simply because you made the
right decision...the decision to become a Founder. If you are one...that can
refer the whole world...then fantastic.
The TRUTH is that Marketing is a Skill...Sales/Selling is a skill
...and MOST do not have it...Open a Newspaper and you will see Sales
positions is a Profession...some can sell while most cant
...Referring others/recruiting is a skill...if we all could be skilled at it
we would NOT need ONPASSIVE...the Reality is that no matter what
the business no matter what the team build...most people will not
succeed because they CANNOT SELL/RECRUIT/REFER...PERIOD...
This is one of the MAIN reason why ONPASSIVE will eventually
have MILLIONS of Customers/Affiliates/members.. .
The SYSTEM...The technology...will do the Selling for EVERYONE
...Not me...Not you...Not a Team Build...the AI Technology will do it
starting with the 2nd Product Suite Option...
ONPASSIVE is for everyone everywhere...
All will succeed...irrespective of who is your sponsor or team leader
or group you are in. No need for HYPE...everyone is here because
they are looking for SUCCESS. Show me one team build...
where EVERYONE made money...I mean everyone
...not the few leaders who made it big...but where everyone did...
If team builds worked...there would be NO need for ONPASSIVE
as far as making money...which is why everyone is here
There are lots of them out there...but with the same results as everything
...a few individuals win...while most suffer...NOT HERE WITH ONPASSIVE
Sure some will make money faster...some will even make
more money but rest assured...there will be more than
enough to go around...
So enough of the my me team my team my team
...The community is not the place for this....Facebook, Twitter, all
yours...but not this Community...that has shown solidarity since its inception
We are ONE Big ONPASSIVE Family...we are not all in the same "leg"
nevertheless...we are still ONE BIG family...that will HELP everyone
...the SYSTEM is designed that way...
ONPASSIVE is to be a GAME CHANGER...Which includes helping
everyone to have the "RIGHT mindset. As we all will succeed. No
BRAIN WASHING...No Deceptive tactics...No subtle cross recruiting
...Just sincere wholesome love for everyone who have made that
decision to become a Founder... Today is Family Day in Canada...
in that Spirit let us continue to be just that...
...ONE big ONPASSIVE Family.
Peace and love...

We would like to share a few important messages over the following days
Today we are delighted to share with you a great message from:
Mr. Michael Williams - Canada
ONPASSIVE Leadership Council
here is the message
My Team...Your Team...Who wants a Team :)
I am still trying to get an answer from to why these posts are
being made. What is the objective of the creating post with the EXACT same
words...over and over again in the community. Surely there are others on the
leaderboard...yet their team members are not pumping them up. There are
members that have more than 200 Personal sign ups. Not because it is not
reflected on the leaderboard...does not mean it does not exist.
The leaderboard is not from the inception of GoFounder/Onpassive.
There are members that have over 10,000 team members...yet their team
members are not pumping them up. Again...I am just trying to understand
why these REPEATED posts.
Can someone who is posting...please help me understand.
If you don't know why you are making these post...then why post?
My understanding of that you don't even need a Team
...If you are that little guy or gal...who have never ever been successful at
referring anyone...hey guess what...You are In it to Win it...You will have
Success here with ONPASSIVE....Not because you are a part of a team
that is pumping you up or firing you up...but simply because you made the
right decision...the decision to become a Founder. If you are one...that can
refer the whole world...then fantastic.
The TRUTH is that Marketing is a Skill...Sales/Selling is a skill
...and MOST do not have it...Open a Newspaper and you will see Sales
positions is a Profession...some can sell while most cant
...Referring others/recruiting is a skill...if we all could be skilled at it
we would NOT need ONPASSIVE...the Reality is that no matter what
the business no matter what the team build...most people will not
succeed because they CANNOT SELL/RECRUIT/REFER...PERIOD...
This is one of the MAIN reason why ONPASSIVE will eventually
have MILLIONS of Customers/Affiliates/members..
The SYSTEM...The technology...will do the Selling for EVERYONE
...Not me...Not you...Not a Team Build...the AI Technology will do it
starting with the 2nd Product Suite Option...
ONPASSIVE is for everyone everywhere...
All will succeed...irrespective of who is your sponsor or team leader
or group you are in. No need for HYPE...everyone is here because
they are looking for SUCCESS. Show me one team build...
where EVERYONE made money...I mean everyone
...not the few leaders who made it big...but where everyone did...
If team builds worked...there would be NO need for ONPASSIVE
as far as making money...which is why everyone is here
There are lots of them out there...but with the same results as everything
...a few individuals win...while most suffer...NOT HERE WITH ONPASSIVE
Sure some will make money faster...some will even make
more money but rest assured...there will be more than
enough to go around...
So enough of the my me team my team my team
...The community is not the place for this....Facebook, Twitter, all
yours...but not this Community...that has shown solidarity since its inception
We are ONE Big ONPASSIVE Family...we are not all in the same "leg"
nevertheless...we are still ONE BIG family...that will HELP everyone
...the SYSTEM is designed that way...
ONPASSIVE is to be a GAME CHANGER...Which includes helping
everyone to have the "RIGHT mindset. As we all will succeed. No
BRAIN WASHING...No Deceptive tactics...No subtle cross recruiting
...Just sincere wholesome love for everyone who have made that
decision to become a Founder... Today is Family Day in Canada...
in that Spirit let us continue to be just that...
...ONE big ONPASSIVE Family.
Peace and love...
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